Monday, October 15, 2012

Fashion Re-Do @AngelaSimmons

Angela posts her "Sunday Best" on (Hot, new photo app that she uses) and I figured since we love ang so much, lets dress like her! :D The blazer, from, isn't the EXACT same.. neither is the dress. BUT HEY! I'm sure she paid an arm and a leg and you'll pay under $50!!

Get the floral blazer HERE! for only $29.97
Get the tan, belted dress HERE! for only $15.64!! Let's get sassy like our fave girl.. follow @AngelaSimmons AT THIS LINK!

1 comment:

  1. Combine with a necklace and yellow short dress makes me feel really good.The reunion went perfectly after that. Thanks for your article wise suggestions and I highly recommend you to try this dress out as well!


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